Yesterday was our 36th wedding anniversary. We decided to just eat out at Subway and see a movie. We didn't feel like doing much more.
When we were in the line at Subway I noticed a girl and her parents. C attends the Developmental Center where Amy used to go. I haven't seen any of the "kids" from Amy's class since she passed away and I didn't know how I would handle it. I usually don't see any of them outside of the classroom. Most of them live in group homes and I imagine it is difficult to take more than one out at a time. C is the sweetest young lady and I had one of Amy's brochures with me, so I showed her Amy's picture on it and said I was Amy's mom. I gave her a hug and whispered to her parents that Amy had passed away. I had never met her parents before. C said Amy was nice and she liked her. I gave her another hug and told her parents to keep the brochure and have a good evening. I'm not sure if she understands that Amy was sick and now she won't be coming to the center anymore. I'm not sure of how much any of the other ones who attend there understand that Amy will never be coming back. I could barely order my sub without crying. I didn't dare look at my husband, because I knew we would both lose it.
Then today, I was going through some more of Amy's things in her room and I saw her van come in our driveway! My heart just went to my throat and it was so hard for me to know that they wouldn't be unloading Amy in her wheelchair and she would be home. Home! Her dear sweet friend who is a teacher and van driver had brought Amy's extra clothes that were at the center. We chatted for a few minutes. She held me as I cried. She told me how sweet Amy was and how good we were to her. It just made me cry more.
Our 36 years of married life seems so short, as did Amy's 31 years of life. It is so hard for me to grasp the fact of eternity! That eternity with Christ is our home. AMY IS HOME! Amy is there now and soon, before we even know it, we will be there with her.
I try to focus on that and not on the past.
I am thankful that I was able to meet so many disabled people in the course of Amy's life. It has made me have so much more compassion and understanding and patience when I see someone struggling with a need.
I am thankful that Amy had loving, caring people to watch after her at the center and that they became a part of her family, too.
I am thankful for the 36 years that I have had with my husband and know that the rest of our years are in God's hands.
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